Engaging Your Valentine Using the Enneagram

Valentine's Day, love it or hate it — it’s happening and most of us could use a little help when it comes to loving our loved ones well, right? If you know your Valentine’s Enneagram number, these reminders may help you to tailor the day’s expressions to best spread the love …

For our organized Enneagram 1 pals, let's make sure everything aligns with their values, from eco-friendly outings to meticulously planned surprises.

Our sweet Enneagram 2 friends thrive on affection, so let's shower them with love and appreciation, making sure they feel like the stars they are!

To our ambitious Enneagram 3 buddies, let's acknowledge their stellar achievements and plan a date that's both fun and goal-oriented - we're talking the ultimate power couple vibes!

Ah, our creative Enneagram 4’s! Let's indulge their romantic side with heartfelt gestures and experiences that tap into their unique sensibilities - think poetry readings and star-gazing sessions.

And for our wise Enneagram 5 buddies, let's keep things low-key yet intellectually stimulating, with museum visits or cozy nights in filled with deep conversations and endless possibilities.

For our loyal Enneagram 6 loves, let's make sure they feel secure and appreciated with set plans and plenty of reassurance - a steady rock in the sea of romance!

Now, our adventurous Enneagram 7 friends thrive on fun, so let's surprise them with spontaneous adventures and laughter-filled escapades - the sky's the limit!

For our bold Enneagram 8 buddies, honesty is the best policy - let's show them we're all in with bold declarations of love and thrilling activities that get the heart racing!

And last but certainly not least, our peace-loving Enneagram 9 loves! Let's create a chill and harmonious atmosphere where they feel understood and truly seen - a tranquil haven in the chaos of life!

So, whether you're a romantic strategist or just trying to get better at this greeting card holiday, tailor your Valentine's Day plans to match your loved ones' Enneagram numbers, and you’re going to be on the right path!

Not sure what your loved one’s Enneagram number is? Let’s find out — book a couple’s consult and begin a really fun journey to increased connection!